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Are you curious about what books are available in our library? You can search our catalog from home. You can also check what books your child currently has checked out. Students have a personal account and can access their account on line. Students can check out three books at a time and have two weeks until the book is due. Students who have lost books will be charged a replacement fine through the FACTS account. Students may not check out books until books are returned and fines are paid.

You can access the library system here: Wynnbrook Christian School Library

You can search the catalog or LOG IN (located in the upper right corner)

Please contact the librarian for Library Student Log-in information.

Renaissance Learning

Accelerated Reader
Our school uses Accelerated Reader for tracking student reading progress. Students are STAR tested through the Renaissance Learning Website  and are given a reading level to read within. Each student logs into their own account and can take quizzes on the books that are read. Students receive a grade and points with each quiz taken which is sent to the teacher. Parents can also receive emails on their child’s quizzes to track their progress. Encourage students to read on their reading level. Poor quiz grades may not be deleted. Students can only quiz on books at school. Quizzes taken at home will be deleted. 

Be Notified of Student Progress with Renaissance Home Connect

Parents can log in to Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection and compatible browser. If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox, add to your address book. The log-in information is the same your child uses at school to take AR quizzes. If you have questions about Renaissance Home Connect, please call the school office.


Benefits of Using this Program:

· Track what books on which your child has quizzed  (Students cannot re-quiz on a book.)

· Know the grade your child receives on the quizzes that are taken

· See progresses on reading levels and goals


Find Out AR Quiz Information on Books
Do you have lots of books at home, but you are unsure if they are in the Accelerated Reading (AR) program? You can enter the book’s information on AR Book Find: It will tell you the book’s reading level, quiz number, points, etc.


The SEEK Lab is a flexible classroom where teachers can reserve a space for science experiments, hands on activities, building projects, and more. 

School Google Accounts

Students in grades 1st-8th receive a school google account to give students access to the school Chromebooks and Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Classroom. Please contact the school for student log-in information. 

Field Trips

Field trips that expand and enhance the curriculum are arranged each year. Field trips enable teachers to expand children’s learning beyond the walls of the classroom into the vast community outside. A field trip is like a living laboratory in which learning is acquired through hands-on experiences within the rich resources of the local community. They provide children with experiences that cannot be duplicated in the school but are nonetheless an integral part of school instruction.

At Wynnbrook Christian School, teachers should integrate field trips with the curriculum, in part, by carefully selecting activities for students to do before, during and after the trip. Completion of learning activities will be required of all students. Ideally, there should be a field-trip planned every nine weeks. Field trips should be related to the unit under study.

Reading Rewards

Meeting AR Goal

Students get prizes/recognitions from their teacher upon meeting their goal. 

AR Point Clubs

Students receive a prize from the librarian after earning enough points to be in the various point clubs: 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 point club!


Announced upon reading over 1 million words with Accelerated Reader or Middle School honors classes. 

AR Field Trip

Students who meet their goal each 9 weeks will be able to attend the AR field Trip at the end of the year!

AR Prize Store

Students can spend their AR points at the AR prize store at the end of the year!