Athletic Qualifications
Thank you for your interest in Wynnbrook Christian School Athletics.
The following must be met for a student to be eligible to participate in practices, competitions, games, or matches:
- Yearly authorized Physical/Medical History Form
- Review Athletics Policy (pg. 20-21) in the Code of Conduct Student Handbook and sign Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form
- Athletic Form
- Emergency Contact Form
- Leadership Contract Form
- Pay Athletic Fees to the school office or through FACTS account at the beginning of the sport's season.
- $150 for up to two sports. (Archery has additional fees.)
- $75 for each additional sport and includes waived entrance fees to home games.
The athletic fee for full-time WCS students is $125 which includes student participation in one or multiple sports for the entire school year. Additional fees may apply for some sports.
Students must complete appropriate forms and obtain a physical evaluation from a healthcare provider. (This may be provided by Hughston Clinic on site at WCS in August for a nominal fee.)
Athletic Sports Offered
WCS offers a variety of athletic opportunities for full-time and home school students. The current sports being offered include:
Archery (co-ed) 4th-12th grade
Basketball (boys) 5th-8th grade
Basketball (girls) 5th-8th grade
Cheerleading (girls) K-4th grade
Cross Country (boys/girls) 5th-8th grade
Volleyball (girls) 5th-8th grade
Club Wrestling K-8th grade
Other sports and athletic clubs in the past that have been offered included: Soccer, Disk Golf, Golf, and Tennis. If you or someone you know would be interested in coaching these sports for WCS, please contact the Athletic Director: wfagan@wynnbrookchristian.org.
Athletic Interest Form
If you are interested in playing a sport at Wynnbrook, please fill out this form.
K-4th grade: K-4th Grade Athletic Interest Form
5th - 8th grade: 5th - 8th Grade Athletic Interest Form
Athletic Apparel
There are so many great designs to cheer for your team! You can order our Athletic Apparel using this link:
