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  • Canned food drive
    The Valley Rescue Mission is accepting donations of non-perishable food items such as canned or boxed goods. There is a [ ... ]

    The Valley Rescue Mission is accepting donations of non-perishable food items such as canned or boxed goods. There is a donation bin upstairs and downstairs. However, to make it an evenly numbered competition, PreK through 2nd grade will use the downstairs donation bin & lobby desk and 3rd through 8th plus Warrior Academy will use the upstairs donation bin and lobby desk. 
    The students can place their donations in the appropriate bin. The prize is ice cream after lunch one day. The deadline is Monday, December 9th. 

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  • Yearbook ID Code: 11741925
    2024-2025 Yearbooks and personalization are on sale starting at $40 until December 23rd.Sales will continue at $45 until [ ... ]

    2024-2025 Yearbooks and personalization are on sale starting at $40 until December 23rd.

    Sales will continue at $45 until March 16th.

    Order online by March 21st:    

    Yearbook ID Code: 11741925


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  • Hamburger & Hotdog Fundraiser
     It's that time again! We are pre-selling hamburger/hotdog tickets. Detailed information along with the tickets wen [ ... ]

     It's that time again! We are pre-selling hamburger/hotdog tickets. Detailed information along with the tickets went home with your child. The plate pick-up will be on Friday, December 6th. This is the same day as our Holiday Marketplace! You can plan to come shop and pick up your plates on your way home.

    Of course, we are offering incentives for participation. Each class that meets their goal (goal information below) will receive an ice cream party!

    Please, turn in tickets and money as soon as you sell them.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 

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  • Parents in Prayer

    Join us for Parents in Prayer every Thursday Morning outside the WCS office. 

    NEW—WCS ONLINE APPAREL STORE!! Youth & Adult sizes can order onlin [ ... ]

    NEW—WCS ONLINE APPAREL STORE!! Youth & Adult sizes

    You can order online with a credit card and have it shipped directly to you!

    A variety of items are available including polos, sweatshirts, and dry fit items.  

    Students can wear spirit wear on Friday with jeans.  

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  • Hello Wynnbrook Warrior Families!PTW is the Parent-Teacher organization at WCS and we are excited to welcome back our fa [ ... ]

    Hello Wynnbrook Warrior Families!

    PTW is the Parent-Teacher organization at WCS and we are excited to welcome back our families to another school year! We have so many fun events and ideas for this school year and we need your support to make it happen!

    Become a PTW Member!! Individual memberships are $10 and a family membership is $25.  The $25 family membership includes: 1 child spirit t-shirt, 1 car magnet, and discount on entry to athletic games. We wanted to make sure everyone has the chance to sign up to be a part of PTW this year, use the link below. Our goal is 100% participation for all students.  Classes with 100% participation will receive a snow cone party!

    PTW Membership Form

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