Wynnbrook Christian School is a private, Christian school in North Columbus serving full-time students in grades pre-k4 through 8th grade.
Wynnbrook Christian School was established in 2003 under the leadership of Brad Hicks.
The total enrollment for preschool through eighth grade is approximately 200+.
The student-teacher ratio typically averages 16:1.
Warrior Academy is a class offered at Wynnbrook Christian School for high-functioning students with special needs. The class currently serves five students with the aid of two teachers.
Accreditation & Membership

Wynnbrook Christian School is accredited through the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC) and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
WCS teachers are state certified, and many hold advanced degrees.

Academics Offered
Our core subjects taught for our students include:
- Bible
- Reading/ELA
- Math
- Science
- History/Social Studies
We currently use Abeka, BJU Press, and Purposeful Design as part of our curriculum with a Christian worldview. For a detailed list of our curriculum, please click here.
We offer academic resources that supplement our curriculum that includes:
- Library
- Accelerated Reader
- Technology
- SEEK Lab
- GA Studies Weekly
Electives & Specials Offered
Elementary students in PreK4-5th Grade are offered as part of weekly special classes:
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
- Counseling
- Click here for Elementary Specials descriptions.
Middle school students in grades 6th-8th are offered weekly elective classes with semester requirements in:
- Fine Arts
- Foreign Language
- Physical Education
- Click here for a full list of Middle School electives currently offered.
All students also attend a weekly chapel led by the Praise Team and guest speakers.
Contact Information
For Full-Time Students (K4-8th Grade and Warrior Academy)
School Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am - 3:30pm
Summer Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am - 12pm
School Phone: 706-323-0795 School Fax: 706-322-3688
Click here for the Wynnbrook Christian School Facebook page.
Principal: David Cowser, dowser@wynnbrookchristian.org
Assistant Principal: Teresa Peirce, tpeirce@wynnbrookchristian.org
Admissions Director: Michelle Norton, mnorton@wynnbrookchristian.org
Office Manager: Karli Blackburn, kblackburn@wynnbrookchristian.org