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Why Choose Wynnbrook?

Weekly chapel & daily Bible lessons as part of core curriculum
Yearly community service projects and educational trips
Nurturing and safe Christian environment
Newer facilities and technologies
Building Warriors for Christ academically, socially, spiritually
Reading and math scores above the national average
Outstanding certified teachers
Offers a variety of athletics and clubs
Keeping up with best practices in education


“Wynnbrook Christian School (WCS) is a blessing to our son Andrew and to our family.  I have witnessed the positive impact WCS has had on Andrew. He loves going to school and is full of excitement and busting at the seam to share about his day.  Since Andrew started attending WCS, he has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.  He is reminded often that he is to live as a Warrior for Christ! The apostle Andrew is known as the “First-Called” as he was the first apostle of Jesus.  This is my first child that has attended a private school and his life is forever changed.  I cannot know how Andrew will be used by God but I know he will.  I am thankful that many continue to support WCS through giving of their time, finances, donations, and prayers.   Without each of you my son would not be at WCS.“

Susan Lovell (Parent of a second grader)

          "We began our school journey with a faith based, homeschool mindset and goal for our children. Early in our adventure, we realized our oldest son was in need of a more structured, objective atmosphere than we could provide in that season. Through much prayer and petition, we researched and spoke to every Christian focused school we could find in our area. 
          When we began the drive up the hill to Wynnbrook, our hearts began to feel the tug. When we walked through the doors of the school, we felt the pull and when we met Mr. Norton for the first time, we knew we were being established. 
          This school is exceptional. The staff is beyond measure, filled up and running over, and our principal is extraordinary. The curriculum is advanced, based in Christian values, full of variety and taught with innovation as well as with care for the individual’s learning needs. Our children’s behavior is examined with a tender heart and met with grace. Good behavior is acknowledged and rewarded often. The specials & extracurriculars provide opportunities for our children to develop confidence & explore their talents without judgement.
          I can still remember the first time our once very shy son told me he had a singing part in a school performance with a couple of other kids-not an ounce of fear. He was secure in himself, in his peers and in his abilities. We were so proud. 
          So all of these things are so important to set our kids up for a bright future. 
          Beyond even that, what truly sets Wynnbrook Christian School apart, is that it provides a safe, faith-filled setting for our children to develop social skills, learn the value of prayer & build fortitude in Christ to become the warriors God intends for them to be unapologetically. 
Needless to say, we are so grateful to be Wynnbrook Warriors and are very proud of our school and it’s leaders."

Chris and Elissa Collins
Parents of three current students at WCS

"We came to Wynnbrook Christian School because the pressure from the public school environment was making our child physically sick. We are so thankful we did! At WCS, the class sizes are small, the environment is calm and nurturing to our children’s needs, and the teachers and education are top notch! Plus, we love that WCS teaches Biblical values, which is something we already did at home, but it is reinforced at school. Now our children LOVE to go to school!”   

Michelle Leising 

(Parent of two current students)

“Wynnbrook Christian School has been a blessing for our children. The traditional curriculum encouraged our children to develop critical thinking skills necessary to interpret data and draw their own logical conclusions. The incorporation of the Word of God into every class has strengthened our children's’ Christian faith. The solid education our 9th grader received while at Wynnbrook is allowing her to excel in her high school honors classes. We highly recommend Wynnbrook Christian School.” 

Dr. Rick Mansfield 

Parent of two WCS graduates