First Day of School-Wednesday, August 14th
Drop off/pick up-ALL students should be dropped off & picked up under the portico at the upstairs entrance to the school.
The bottom entrance can be used when checking students in/out.
Parents are invited to our back to school chapel!!
Drop students off no later than 8 am.
Chapel begins at 8:15 am in the Worship Center. Students will walk over with their teachers.
Students will go back to class at the end of chapel and parents are invited to stay for prayer and questions with Mr. Cowser.
Start/End Times
8:00 am-students must be seated & in their classrooms
Building opens at 7:30 am for early drop-off (NOTE: upstairs drop-off closes at 7:55 am)
Pre-K, Kindergarten & Warrior Academy: 2:30 pm
1st-5th grades: 2:45 pm
6th-8th grades: 3:00 pm
Adventure Club:
After school care offered up to 6:00 pm
$8.00/hour with a family cap of $85/week
Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you plan to use adventure club