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Thank you for helping Wynnbrook Christian School's Mission!

Please fill out the form below. When you click submit, you will be re-directed to our secure giving website for Wynnbrook Baptist Church. 

On the secure website, make sure to change the drop down tab from “Tithes and Offerings” to “Wynnbrook Christian School” so funds can be allocated toward the fundraiser!


Please help us track fundraiser participation by entering student names in the "Give Fundraising Credit to" line of the giving link. Participation in the fundraiser helps us when applying for grants for the school. 

If you are donating to the school in general, put “General Fund.”


Help us meet our $50,000 goal and help us give back to the community by helping Valley Rescue Mission provide and pack blessing kits for our community. Our students are on mission to help our local community!

On Mission--WCS Annual Fundraiser